David Novak's animated storytelling
David @ Mesa Story Fest
David as Bucky Fuller
Storytelling at Stories From Asheville's Front Porch
A Storyteller's Fire
Ann Cabaretccia
03IMG_0101 - David Novak - Wolf
lone starCrop
Singapore Story Fest 2019
Smoke from EGlades
R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of The Universe
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“David Novak is an on-stage wizard, spinning his tales with wild creativity, intelligence, and wit.”
–– Rapid River Magazine 
“Cindy and I loved every second of your show.  Handstands?  Tree Pose? (without a wall to assist as I need).  And that’s just the physical part.  I loved how you had one theme that changed course within the story, and you that you called back so many previous fun stuff.  I’ve talked to many folks who were there, and everyone was overjoyed.
You add a dimension to storytelling that is unique.  I’ve not heard another teller who has your style and content.  You’re something.”
 –– Chuck Fink
President, Asheville Storytelling Circle

David On Stage

traditional Stages

storytelling theatre

Memoir, Epic, Poetry and Prose come together to form “dizzyingly brilliant” telling experiences. Novak composes a theatre of discourse ranging from the epic of Gilgamesh to the life and mind of R. Buckminster Fuller. Classically trained in theatre, Novak brings his heroic journey in the world of storytelling back to the stages where he began. Learn more:

R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE



The Separation of Heaven & Earth

More: Download his stage repertoire.

David enchant 1200 festival goers under a tent

Festival Stages

diverse styles, wild variety

Festival appearances at the National Storytelling Festival, Timpanogos, Talking Island, Sierra, Singapore, Sydney festivals and more showcase David’s vast repertory of folk, fairy, myth, ghost, personal, and original stories for families, children, or adults.

Bring him to your tent!

David weaves tales for a garden party

informal venues

gardens, homes, & libraries

A Telling Experience can be found in small gatherings around the hearth or in the garden.

David is popular at house concerts, wine tastings, and anywhere friends gather.

Invite him to your venue!